I'll post the pictures, there wer 3 of them I found within inches of each other, can't find the third one, still looking in my boxes of rocks. I also found a 6" long whitish brown specimen, looks like molar indentions of some kind, I'll post the Pictue as well.
For whatever it's worth, heres my scoop on thu poop! What you have is either Limeonite, or hematite. Either is made of Iron ore. If these were fossilized droppings (Copralites), they would be from dinosaurs, and obviously (from ones I've seen) be much larger! Some folks even think these are meteorites....Not!
Here's a professional opinion without the trip to San A.
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I've found similiar pieces like this and the ones I found are droppings.They belonged to a prehistoric alligator.We found bones and teeth also at the same place and found a lot so we assume this was a prehistoric den.I'm not sure if the ones you have are droppings but one way to tell is to put it to your tounge.If it sticks to your tounge then it is probably a dropping.It has the same shape of the ones we found.This works with anything that was alive and then mineralized.Bones,teeth and droppings etc.Try this and let me know if this works.