Do any of you guys and gals know of any pay dig sites that might be close to our Kentucky area, or where I could look to maybe find some kind of contact for this information? I am having trouble finding anyone in my area that deals in anything with artifacts.
Hi 'manda, congratulations on living near the heart of great artifact finds from a long history of occupation.
Most of your requests might be found at ARROWHEADS.COM
Click SHOWS & EVENTS Big doings around Kentuck and surounds. Click DEALERS. lOADS of people doing lots of things from all over the country. It may not seem like a huge list but MANY of those listings have secondary links of there own, you shouls be able to review the whole scene in less than two days on line.
Still gotta dig no matter what? ? ? Click front page link on AUSDIGRS " treasure digs "
Hi Amanda, you mentioned that you have a website. Could you post the address so we could see some of the stuff you are finding. I'm sorry to hear about your 2 yr old daughter but I'll have to look up Williams syndrome.
Good luck