I'am new to the stie. I live near Corpus Christi and find a few points in the farm land near the creeks but have better look in the brush country of south Texas.
I found this point in New Mexico 2 years ago near Clovis. I think that it might be a Uvalde made from Alibates. Not sure. It is 4 inches long.
Welcome RW, best I can tell you are correct on type (Uvalde), and material (alibates), it's serrated, and did have good barbs as well (nicked). Nice Find!
Thanks, that is one of the best points I have found. At the time I was hunting Antelope walked over to huge cottonwood by a creek and found it. I didn't find any flint or any sign of a camp. The Rancher told me that at one time there was a spring there but had dried up several years ago.