My wife brought this point home from an abandoned office in th building where she works. I don't have a clue what it is or if it is authentic. I plan on bring it with me to the show this weekend.
This point looks pretty good to me, but I'm fairly sure it's not a NM/AZ point. It most resembles the Texas southwest square base Lange, of which the horizontal transverse flaking style is common. Overall, based strictly on the photo, it looks real good to me. You mentioned going to a show this coming week-end. If your talking about the Fredricksberg show, I will be there as a vendor. Come by, and we will get Dwain Rogers to look at it for you. Then we will know for certain. What a nice present to find that way. I guess I'll have to start looking in abandoned buildings!
Gino, no Hardin I have ever seen has that square of a base, and on most,the sides of the base are concave. All others are straight, but expanding. The flaking style (fine percussion with beveling) does not match as well.
Mike, if you have time, email me at I have a question about burialsites in Texas, since you are the resident archeaologist in our group, you would be the one to help me.
michelle, you know that i am computer stupid, why do you challenge me like that? Honey, I know youare saving yourself for me, but it has to be a long distance love affair, lolexb3