Hey DJ. I live in Mineral Wells so I am not far. I have been wanting to try the Frio River Landing. I'm not sure that you can just go down there and dig. You may have to put your name on a list for reservations but I'm not sure. I've heard that that is a good place to dig. Check it out on the website. I recently went to Chrisners. I know of some people that do well there but I believe you need someone to show you where to dig. I spent alot of time perplexed when I went. Also, you might check into the texas amateur archaeloigal association. It is ran by Bob McWilliams. I have known him since I was 15. He's a nice guy. They are digging in Bastop right now. You don't dig. He digs for you and puts it onot a screen with a backhoe. Check out his website at www.texasaaa.com I went in nov. and did extremely well. You have to be a member to dig but that part is cake. He charges around $200 per day per person. If you sign up early and pay with cash he only charges about $175. It was worth it when I went. Hope this helps. If you talk to Bob McWilliams at the Texas Amateur Archaelogical Association tell him I sent ya.. have a good one.
Thanks for the information Travis. I guess Chrisners and Floyd Cantwells is the closest to me, but like you I am afraid to pay at Christners and not know where to go. I have never heard anybody talk about Floyd Cantwells nor seen pics from there, and the price $10 a day seems kinda cheap. What did you find at the place for $200? Do you have pics of your finds? If I pay that much, I have to almost be guranteed to find something.
DJ, if you go to chrisner's, just follow the signs, they will take you to the dig sites.. However, there is so much surface finds there that you might not want to dig at all. Lots of flint in the cow pastures