Hey Redman
That is some great finds. How deep are the arifacts coming from? I just started digging my own personal site a few weeks ago. I have not found items like yours yet but hope to very soon. The stuff I am finding ranges from historic back to some paleo also. it is exciting to find any artifacts what ever period they are from.
Happy digging
Well now, the site is a clay hill with a cap or dome of sand one to five feet deep with the deepest sand on the top of the hill and becoming more shallow around the edges....all of the artifacts are within a few inches of the heavy clay layer. The site has much evidence of lithic manufacturing judging from the large number of chert pressure flakes and chips. The material is for the most part heat-treated Cummins Creek Chert. I found a cache of seventeen Clear Fork Bifaces two years ago, other than that the arifacts have been coming up in ones and twos. It has always interested me to find points made by the same artisan.
Well now that could be an Andice or a Bell,...........or an Andice-Bell Transitional or maybe a Calf Creek.....thats one of the things that bothers me somewhat is that we don't utilize a common nomenclature in the classification of points. All species of living things are classified using binomial nomenclature so that no matter where you go in the world a mallard duck is Anas platyrhynchos. Binomial nomenclature and taxonomy in general is not limited by the sciences to the classification of living organisms. Example: A Clovis point found in the SW could be classified as Clovis mexicana. A Clovis point found in the Southeast could be classified as Clovis cumberlandi or some such.
I have found some points in Ohio on a family farm. they were clearly made by the same person out of the material. They were surface find found two seasons. within 50 feet or so another year one of my guest found another one that was the same material flaking and form not really a cache but nice too find. On our place in Mineral Wells I have found some items I think are the same manufacturer but that place is just getting started. still digging deeper and pulling out artifacts.