List your favorite point from your collection. My collection is small, so hopefully by next year I will have a better one to show. Just trying to get something started here.
Kracky DJ, Thats evry bit as bad as saying " select just one book that you can take into exile on a desert Isle for the rest of your life"
In the present case, I would have to choose the firing
squad ![:-|
I have to have at least three, not based on size, or
quality but personal finds history. They are;
1. My most significant first creek find seven years ago.
It's a nondescript square base. Delicate pink hue,
I [ we ] were so desperate to have a good "arrowhead"
I used that putty epoxy to form the missing half. My
putty was more deep purple!. . . GORGEOUS. More of
the memory, Michelle actually spotted it first, it was
"floating " in the current like a leaf. Good hearted soul said I could have this wonderfull tresure !
Item 2. My best paleo find. From "waterfall site"
Heavy rock moving and then it was behind roots of one
of those trees that grow tight into rock crevases,
just where ten thousand years of time would take it.
Item 3. The "big one". A totally unexpected find and
then one solid year of legal hassle to keep it. Met more people and got more publicity than I ever wanted.
Not all good memories but more than some of my other
. . . . . .
This time next year DJ, may you have the same
tough decicions to make
Hard to name a fav but this one has good old memories to go with it. Found with my Granddad in 1982 just before moving to Mineral Wells. Came from southwest Palo Pinto county. Harahey, I suppose.
I could get into a bit of hot water over this posting . It's a recent find of
M's . She's been up til 2 in the morn recently working on the final updates for "September" and this would have been included
this made me think of something. you know those rating charts on some websites? The ones you can vote on and it will give you a pie, or bar graph that tells you who's in first, second, third? That would be kinda cool if we had a "FIND OF THE YEAR". Whoever thought they had a heck of a find could submit it and then everyone could vote on the "FIND OF THE YEAR" around Jan. 1. Just thinking...
Bill, dont let the s deter you,they ed at Alfred E. Newman too,
and look how well he did
See "I DIG YOUR DIGGER FORUM, SEPT 26 " [back point chatter ] for some clues
on that Photobucket biz
Trav, Great new idea but it might not run a full year,
Wayne just posted the winner for this year
Me and my wife are planning on being at Digfest 08 I will bring my Clovis.
This will be our first time to come can't waite to meet everyone, and enjoy some good digging, and good eating, see you there.
The NW corner of Gaines county , Where Wayne reports he found that beautiful Clovis point, is only a mear 95 miles from Clovis New Mexico [ where the first
point of that type was first found ]
The Alibates quarries are also in that part of the world
Wayne, that's one I'd like to see. Sure has brought up some interesting conversation, huh? I'm no detractor, either. I have no reason to not believe you. I have some contacts with 48 sections around Denver City. Probably wouldn't have a problem with us poking around their place. I just need to check. See you at digfest if I don't have to work.
I know a bunch of people around Denver City, do you mind me asking who they are i might know them, if you don't want to say who they are here you can email me at
Will be looking forward to meeting you if you are at dig fest.
That is a great Bulverde, no book examples with barbs that long, maybe the Bulverde family had a black sheep from the Marshal family visiting their camp
How many diggers named "Montell" can there be I seem to remember there was another guy named Montell
that posted an unbelievably classic FRIO! ! Cant be sure, I cant find it in the back chatter topics.
Classics like those belong in the next edition of the money book for future dreamers / scholars
Roy, That is a gem quality find, A jewelry nut might mount it to make a ring [ just for special events like
wedding and divorce parties]
Just out of curiosity, next time your in your favorite disco, you might run it under a U/V
light, Maybe that material has some flourecing properties. . .[ A ring that glows in the dark ? ]
You too are in the high dollar birdpoint club. . .Your find looks to me exactly like it's from the same family as Chris' find shown above [ easier to see similarities if you stand on your head to get them going in the same direction ]
Chris, Yeah $$$ book = Overst
Prices are "flexible" dont quit your day job but its an excellect fast reference guide
If this one had been complete, it would be my fave. Also from Stewart's Creek. This point taught me to carry my points in something beside my pants pocket.
Chris, you picked a really tough weekend for show N tell requests Most real
diggers are still stuffing sausages with venison and trying to find the bottom
of the "Jim Beam" jug
. . . . . HOWEVER.. . . . . I am SO dee-LIGHTED with my new find, just Unearthed SEVEN HOURS AGO after a
couple of thou in black obscurity. . . . I will risk
having TWO favorite points on this topic
The point is a G-11 MARCOS, still completely covered with the original scale from life very deep in the
white caliche [ BELOW the tan ! ]
I'm showing next to Dwains " best of show " because mine is obviously much
shorter. . . . .BUT . . . . . base & barbs fit exactly over the book specimen. . .
Sorry to exhume this ancient topic. . . . but. . . .the story continues
My above post of Sept 9th shows an EMPTY frame [ # 1 ]. I had to get the item out of the bank security box. . . . here it is..
As a bonus from this desperate time in history [ never found a full point ] I had epoxied wire frames
to indicate where the missiong portion should have been.
A routine farce the phossil guys use