Was playing with my scanner after noticing some people say they scan their finds.These are not personal finds.I noticed one has Arkansas written on the back after scanning.Think I'll stick with my camera.Scanner is cool though.
Thanks Michelle,
This is a really awesome site you have here.I Have learned more about artifacts (and posting pics)in a month of reading here than I have in the past 40+ years. I even remembered to put some scale to the pic so the old mans panties don't get in a wad.Thanks for providing such a wonderful forum for all. You are a true Gem!
ONLY if there were more of you darlin..!! Only if there were more!
Thanks for finding my little website and sharing your finds as well
My site IS a little corny at times.. But normally all good ! It needs to stay that way too! And with people like you and the regulars around here.. well, its a nice place to be!
Good show on the pottery, dont see mmuch more than the occasional one lonely item...Your top shards pic
looks like it has 3 sets of shards that may have been from the same vessel [ 7 pcs total ]
What county or area on these ?
I was so busy checking the scanner production I almost forgot to note the
quality flint, very nice.
grate pictures do know where they come from love the pottery we find a lot of pottery here in s.c. was supprised to find out that michell in texas dose not find much while digging and you right this is a very neat place so many people get to look at a lot of different arrow heads from all over thanks again and good hunting
I purchased these shards in a collection from a girl who's late father had collected them from around the Arkansas area she said.Many many more were accidentally thrown away by an ex of mine.I have a fairly large piece to big for the scanner I will try to post later.It has a fern on the outside.Is it OK to show your stuff if it isn't personal finds?
This must have been a real beauty, the outside looks just like real tree bark, and what about the ornate fern work.I have yet to find a site that shows nice pottery work.Wish I knew something more about this but I don't .My camera does weird things with the lighting when the batteries are low,sorry.
VERY good show on the latest pottery scans. Non personal finds defininitly valid.
Just makes the origins harder to pin down ! Had some shows last year from a party that
bought a trunkload of artifacts from the estate of a gent that spent a lifetime in WORLDWIDE oil
If your pottery came from an Arkansas pottery source thats a lot closer to
the Caddo and general Mississippian cultures that
really excelled in pottery. . . . .AND copper goods,...for thousands of years before the central TX
peoples. [ so much so, I just assume there is mimimum
to no soils suitable for production in large areas of TX]
If pottery catches your interest, there are bound to be references even better than flint artifacts.