I found a harrel point minus the tip in LaSalle co.of black flint. Looks kinda like the same material. It's translucent around the edges. It's the only black flint in my collection.
I just clicked on the picture itself and it took me to his photobucket albums. I love your fishing stuff. My dad gave me my grandpa's tackle box when I was in my teens. It had about thirty lures in it. Most of them were 40-50 years old, all wood. Unfortunatly a family member stole them. Left me the tackle box with two small spinners. My plan is to try to find some old lures to replace them, my dad was very upset over loosing them. Looks like there isn't much that you DON'T collect. Good stuff.
I remember seeing the Roger's COA calling it a Buchanan Eared point. If the COA is real, which I don't doubt, is almost certainly based on similar point descriptions published by Noel Justice. These points are found in North/Central California. They are variants of the Humboldt Concave Base series. True Buchanan Eared points were originally found around the Buchanan Reservoir near Yosemite. They looked different but similar. RGS' point is like many points found from the Bodie Hills down to Truman Meadows and Owens Valley. This is my old stomping grounds and am very familiar with these points. It does look like Bodie Hills Obsidian which is typically very dark and opaque. Most other obsidian sources from that area produce finer translucent obsidian. It can be sourced for about $30 if you wanted. And btw, I am sure it is authentic.
It was the very first arrowhead i bought, some 8 years back, the first of many thousands. I came across some gentleman or he came across me, said he found it as a kid. I paid $75 sight unseen(mail order transaction), for he did tell me that a gallery in California had offered him several hundred dollars, but sold it to me, because it was a gift for my father. This is the only point i've ever sent off, did so out of curiosity. My good friend Fred said it might fetch $1000, but it's in our collection to stay. The second one came with one of my purchases, never thought about sending it off for a COA.
Cool story beginners luck. I started a tin toy collection by accident by coming across a yard sale by the original owner of the 1936 trucks and cars. Most collectors would not come across these in a life time.Beginners luck is great