I've noticed in all the pic. posting that there are a lot of perd's, montells, etc. A very large part of my collection is either knives, ie Kinney, Tortuga, or Texas Blade, or Desmuke, Lerma variety. I do have Montells, Langtrys, etc. but they are in the minority as far as surface finds. Just curious if the area below SA it was more common to use blades verses the stemmed points that I see on the post found north of San Antonio? The bird point varieties are common (Perdiz, Scallorn, etc.) but stemmed pointed in ratio are less common.
Thats a unique observation Te, all I can think of is the larger game, like Mammoths herded south of San An. Norherners just had smaller game to deal with like Sloths & cave bears.
I remember from Hesters book that all the tribes in this area were smaller family clans. From mine and other private collections in this area there weren't a lot of cerimonial points and very few large ones.
Most were more utilitarian. There are large areas of chert, but the larger points (over three inches) are not common. I can find 20 desmukes, 10 blades, to one stemmed point. Peridz, Scallorns and Edwards are as common as the knives. And plenty clear forks, crescent, etc. scrappers. Paleo points Angustora, Andice, Clovis are here, but not in abundance, I have found five Angustora/Angustora variants and several other broken paleo points. That's why I was curious if north of SA had a more even mix of stemmed vs unstemmed points.
Te, I though you were kidding around. I dont know anything about the possibility you noted but if there is something in print, somebody is working on it !
Maybe YOU know something about THIS anomoly that is well documented over the last 5 yrs just on this site.
Why are any of the flint artifacts found in the SW central hill country CONSISTANTLY. . .
Than the very same classification of peoples anywhere else in TX ?
Nope, SH,wasn't kidding. I have found 1 eccentrric point. At least 80 percent of my surface finds are either triangular knives or rounded base. Other collectiions may have a lower percentage of unstemmed vs stemmed points. But it's still in the majority. I just figured that AmerIndians from some geographical area were less advanced then other ie Mayan, Toltec and Caddo verses Carrizo,Payuguan, or Pajalat. The latter three were indigenous to this area. Kinda like upper suburbs vs. ghetto. Even with trade, mabbe they just didn't advanced as much or have as much need for stemmed points. Blades are more useful in utilitarian service, and easier to knape.