TO DR. HESTER - and a sorry for the deletes on the past topic !
Dr. Hester (AND to all the great posts that went along with it)
I personally enjoyed all the chatter that you and everyone posted on the topic that were running..
Unfortunatly, then I deleted the first posting, per the origionator of the post, I did not know that it would kill the HOLE thread and all the great information what went along with it!
I wish I didn't delete all your great information !!! I didn't know that when I delete the 1st post in a topic that it kills all the commects that were posted after that
Sorry to everyone.. NOTHING PERSONAL to you Dr. Hester !!!!!!!! But I am the one that screwed up and deleted the darn thing
Forgive me folks! But, on the good site.. I have taken my finger off the delete botton from now on and people around here will just have to thicken their skin !
Re: TO DR. HESTER - and a sorry for the deletes on the past topic !
No problem Michelle. If it's the post I'm thinking about it does bring up a good point. For those of us not in the digging loop but wanting to try it, there are a lot of paydigs. As is any business there a few unscrupulous ones out there and as a novice you can only go on what is posted. If there were some way that they could be rated it would make it a lot more enjoyable for beginers. We are going to try Nacho's Monday and from yours, Mikes, and Davids report after you came back, we feel comfortable in knowing we're getting our moneys worth..Even if we come back with nothing we know it wasn't because Nacho didn't try. After 40+ years of surface hunting, I'd like to try something new. We are planning on other digs and the reviews make a world of difference in our decisions.
As far as Hester, I'm not as mad at him as I used to be. I had a question for him 29 years ago and have posted it here with little response. As he is from the area, he should be able to settle the long running debate.
Re: TO DR. HESTER - and a sorry for the deletes on the past topic !
I believe he "settled the debate" as best he could without incuring more of your rath. If you respect Dr. Hester's opinions, he will respect your opinions & that's all they are......opinions...