Re: TOTALLY OFF TOPIC - GREAT Moon Landing Video though!
My mother, may she rest in peace, nevered beleived we landed on the moon, nor does my wife. I'm not of that school of thinking, hell, i even beleive in UFO's.
Re: TOTALLY OFF TOPIC - GREAT Moon Landing Video though!
Hey Glenn, I believe in aliens too but don't believe any have been here. The closest star is like 4 or 5 light years away. One light year is 5,878,000,000,000 miles away. If aliens were around the closest star they would have to travel pretty far to get here don't you think? More than likely life probably isn't around the closest star, so you would have to travel even further to get here. Even if the aliens were millions of years ahead of us and instead of traveling 20,000 miles an hour they traveled 10,000,000 miles an hour. It would still be a while before they got here wouldn't it?