Whats wrong? No fighten no insulting no name calling. Everyone on Xanax? I volunteer to be the punching bag for a few post. Today a few glasses of Cabernet and I dont care. as of midnight last night I am no longer 42. I should not have made it past 20 cuz the wild streak. but still here
Congrats. Wish I was that young. Used to have a wild streak too, got mad and beat up a bunch of cactus. Seemed like the thing to do at the time. Mellowed out since then.
Your post'll probably get a troll stirred up. Not me tho,I'm waiting on someone to send some pic's. of their week at Nacho's. He found some good points.
Any time now [ not this week ] the snow will melt, you can leave the cabin. You'll be so busy again, tilling the soil. . . planting . . . fixin tractors. .praying for rain. . . digging Manos. . . . praying for sun. . . .cutting crops. . . .fixin tractors. . . baleing hay.. . . transporting hay. . . .fixin tractors. . . . haveing another birthday time again !
Life does not end at 43, but its pretty **** close !
Happy B-day, Leonard...hope you have as many as I do now...I wasn't sposed to live past thirty...If I had known I was gonna live this long, I might have taken better care of myself....not...
WHOOoo -HOO Just found a wonderful treasure trove of web sites that caters exclusively to controvery, foul language, name calling, liability and personal attacks. . .
COMPLETELY first amendment DELEAT FREE !
See complete detail on the national news of ABC today.
ANY of the sites listed under " RATE MDS "
Apparently the online "reports" by patients after some doctors work is so bad, it is becomming a new policy to have a patient sign a pre visit contract not to say anything on line ! [ Sort of a pre nup for Docs ]
Leonard, Just got back from ft. hood on Sat. Our 73 year old neighbor invited us to dinner yesterday. He found out that I am only 58, and called me a whippersnapper! I guess that makes you one too! We've got alot of good diggin days in us yet friend, so Happy Birthday to you! Our wines will keep us fine.Best to you.