SH didn't think we had fat artifacts here so I'm posting a few of my scrapers, plus one for geo. Good old dino dung from one of my many excursions into southern Mexico looking for cutable rock back when I was doing lapidary work. Farmers would find all kinds of fossils and rocks in their fields and bring them into town to sell to the rock shops. The shops had a lot of artifacts, only thing you could buy and not bring across were figurines, pottery, and such, (Mexico Heritage), you could bring points accross for collecting only, not to resell.
And yes, those are regulation pool balls. Mother always said I was a little different.
I'll post a better pic. tomorrow. SH said I had too much camera flash, everything looked too white.
Had a lot more oddball fossils, crabs, mammal footprints (small), etc. but too many transfers and divorces and had to thin out my collection. Plus most of my lapidary rocks, lapis, sodalite, turquiose (had a thing for blue stones). A bunch of Mexico agate too, gave it away or sold it. Too much tonage to be dragging around. Figure when I retire in a few more years I'll get back into rocks. Just keep the t*rd here because I know it agitates the wife. She still won't let me put in on top of the TV.
The scraper (?) on the bottom pic, left hand corner isn't broken, it was made that way. And the three to the right of the t*rd are complete also. They look like drills, but I don't think they are.
I see at least one clear fork on yours geo.
Overcast, but I took some pics anyway. Kinda like Sandy, I still have a lot of neat rocks,fossils, and crystals, but points take up a lot less room, and there is a real shortage around here of everything but sandstone and flint.
Here's a better view of what the dino's left behind.
The rock shop in Gomez Pallacio where I got this treasure was full of fossilzed trilobites, bones, etc. I wanted to buy more, but it would have cut into my Tecate money, so I limited myself to a trilobite and a t*rd. That was in my much younger days.
At least this one is a real pooter, not just a wannabe. Just wonder how many more are out there, or how big. This had to be a small or young dino. Sure hate to stumble across a Bronto or T-Rex t*rd. What would they weigh, 20-30lbs? Wife said I had a sick sense of humor, why not buy a fossilized bone or dragonfly. Noooo, not me, gotta pay 10,000 peso's for dino droppings. Gotta keep it in my rock case,she won't even let me put it in the den.
Hey geo, that last scraper looks like some that I find. To me, if your gonna make a scraper, it looks like you'd make it comfortable to use. Some of those scrapers look like they'd hurt your hands to use for any length of time. And if your going to spend that much time making something, it would seem you'd want it ergonamically designed. But if your tough enough to run around in leather underwear, I guess a whacked out piece of flint ain't gonna bother you.