Keen observation L, First dam time it has RAINED in a whole YEAR !! I'm trapped in this cabin with nothing but a TV and this infernal typing machine. It's enough to drive one to the wine cellar ! [ wish I had a cellar!]
I think the wine cellar may be open until midnight (seller) that is but I heard the vintage of near 19 years or so may be best the older it gets I think you will understand that last statement.
Aprox 3 hours before official posted sunrise. So dead of winter, 12/21 = 0330
Dead of Summer 6/21 = 0300ish
Sounds terrible but thats the extreme ends, a leetle closer to the middle, like the Ides of March 3/15 = 0500 !
Leonard really knows his Omens. . . walking out to a dig on a crisp winter morning and seeing Orion really standing out positively means its going to be a heck
of a good find day.
PS: re Omens. . . IF an Armadillo crosses your path, go home immediatly !
Yeah Travis, We are ranchers with livestock to feed, and we don't get up that early! We gotta crank the coffee pot before we can even add or subtract in the mornings!