There appear to be enough old diggers on this net that someone may remember the nice campsite located on what is now the Mackey Ranch Addition just to the west of Eddy, Texas. During the 1970's I used to dig it with a number of folks from the Temple area but whose names I don't recall. Does anyone remember the campsite or dug it recently. I have not been out there since ownership changed hands in the early 1980's.
Travis, Never paid a cent to dig. A friend's father owned the ranch which was later developed into the Mackey Ranch Addition. Generally speaking when looking for a place to dig, we would promise to limit it to a couple diggers, and when we were done, we would bring in a dozer to slick up our holes and sow a little grass seed to limit erosion. Ranchers were usually receptive to a request to dig as they have been picking up points for years and have similar interests, but no time for digging. I never heard of a pay dig until the past few years.
Hey Matt, I live just a few miles from there never heard of any dign going on out there but know alot of people that might know somebody that can find out about doing some digging or at least some surface hunting! If the good spots arn't under a house by now! Give me a few days to check around. I'll let you know what I find out.
T-Roy, The place was more for digging than surface hunting. Various campsites were located in and along a heavily wooded creek bottom. Late historic deposits began 3 or 4 inches below the surface, and typical central Texas stratigraphy continued down 5 feet or so to a decent late paleo layer. The deposits of course were shallower as you moved up the sloping creek banks and as you would expect, the late historic layer became much more significant. We quail hunted the surrounding hillsides in the fall and winter and I do not recall seeing much on the surface. Do let me know if you learn anything. Like Chrisner's, which is 10 or so miles to the west, the area lies between the Leon and Brazos rivers, an area with rich archeological deposits.