OK, going to try this posting again. My last post problem is apparently a photobucket issue because the pic shows in my album but it says it's not there when I try to post. Anyway, these are a few surface finds from a ranch in Modoc Co. NE Calif. The long brown jasper piece is about 5" long. The two lower left are from Gillespie Co. TX.
Re: Some Modoc artifacts and two from Gillespi Co. TX
Michelle, I think that largest one is some kind of Scotts Bluff variant but being a creek bed gravel find, I can't say anything about the chronology except there were a lot of more modern side notched and corner notched obsidian pieces on the same gravel beds. The oval jasper knife and the agate crescent came from the same group of gravel banks too. I'm sure most you folks here are much better versed in artifact identification than myself....Mel