I was told the center one is a Lerma and the one on the right is a Harahay. Not sure what the others are.
All were found in Colorado or Grimes Co. Thought I would post these and get some input. All input is appreciated. Thes are all personal finds. These are all the bi-pointed blades I have found. Thought I would group them together for a discussion thread.
Wow, thats a heck of a blade collection! A trueism in the CenTx area is that if you dig into some
bones some kind of blade is sure to be found ! Got
any buffalo jumps/kill sites near your finds ?
I cant do any authoratative name calling, what type of
projectile points are found in the vicinity of
the blades ?
Nice Points! Looks like 6 Lerma (5 round base & 1 pointed base), reflecting my earlier comment about the ratio between the 2 types (pointed base typically harder to come by). Harahey far right, agreed.
Well, Obviously, with Lerma, the difference between round base and pointed base can be pretty subtle. Round base Lermas are usually a little wider towards the round base end, and is so past the center point of the blade. Compare the 2 specimens to the left of the Harahey in the top right photo. The 2nd one over (left) of the Harahey is a very good example of the pointed base type. The round base type can have a slender sweep, but the end usually falls short of a true point. The large tan one with the snaggle-tooth point on the bottom I would view as a simple irregularity, as the overall blade shape fits the round base style. Round or pointed base, the base end will always have a tapering or contracting in past the center point, or widest point of the blade. This is what I have been told about the type, and I hope it is of some help to you.
Yes K, They all appear to be Lerma, except for the Harahey of course. The smallest or shortest one looks like it might have a little distal tip damage from the photo, but not certain. It might have been reworked as well due to the width (may have originally been somewhat longer...like the largest and longest one.