Hey gang-
So, the guys at work here are really in to collecting arrowheads and well, they've recruited me to do some searching online to find any possible areas around Hutto and Taylor... While I've googled a bit, there seems to be no specific information on sites or locations but there are plenty of hints that they're all around the area. It seems as though no one wants to tell exact locations (and understandably so) but if I were to tell you some approximate areas of land we have full permission to be on, is there a way anyone could let us know if there's a remote chance they could find anything?
My boss is *BIG* on collecting and has quite a few nice pieces but my co-worker is the one with the local land and he, of course, wants to find something bigger and better than my boss.
If no one wants to give specific information directly, can you point us toward finding some more information ourselves? I have no problem researching, just gotta know where to start.
I have lived in Taylor for 10 years and only in the last 2 have gained enough confidence from a few farmers to surface hunt their fields. Unfortunately, with crops in the fields now it will be several months until harvest and a new plow to bring new points to the surface.
There are dozens of sites along Brushy Creek from inside Hutto City Limits to the far side of Noak. Any nolls or small hills along Brushy are good.
I have found several of the spots I have permission to hunt have been very picked over (run some off myself) by people who do not care to take the time to talk to the landowners.
Jr, you and your work buddies should not be looking at this screen right now ! Time to be out and
hunting after the very heavy rains that went
over most of TX.
Asside from the highly prized, permission to hunt ticket, take a clue from the fossil boys. . . Walk every new constuction site you can find [ with wide
easment allowance needed for the new 130, how many
complete camps did they disrupt ?]
Very first surfacers on the project gets the most finds [ before the rest of the contruction crew gets involved ! ]
Most municipalities have an on line public access / info link for new construction permits.
The new economy may slow you down a bit but for a while there the "construction /sales tax boys " were trying to turn the sleepy, remote, picturesque little village of Hutto into the Los Angeles of Texas !
like Taylorhunter said, there are spots all along the brushy.
I am a firefighter in Taylor and Hutto and have been hunting artifacts for about a year now. The trick is getting landowners to allow you to surface hunt their property. I have permission to surface hunt a spot on the Brushy that's about 100 acres or so.
On the land you have access to just search for signs,( flakes, burned stones, etc.), and then when you find some look more closely. Fields right now are full of crops but the rain should have exposed some new artifacts and check all drainage areas. Like SH said walk around new construction sites.
I haven't been out hunting in a couple of weeks. I need to get out and get my fix.