Those are some fine looking knapped examples!
Have you considered adding a logo or your initials with a Dremel tool, so that they never get confused with being an authentic artifact?
I have thought about it beause I sell points at a shop and hopefully no one has tryed to resale them as authentic points but I dont like the thought of cuting into them I just bought a ultra fine tip permanent marker but havent tryed it yet
Flo, Your right, even the finest Dremel diamond bit is too brutal for your fine knapping. I assure you that they will ALL wind up on the "authentic"
sales list. If not this week then when one point is found next century, found in a trunk when old
Uncle Charlie finally passed away !
How bout the diamond industry technology ?
Cold Laser etched [ anything, words or initials ]
as small as 50 microns high [ 1/3 of a Uman hair ].
Maybe one of the local Jewelers offers the service.
Cant offer a conclusion on the Perds, they all look very real .
hey Flo-town, was just wondering if u had a tip about how to drive thin flakes across c-line after I have a good blank going? Ive only been knappiing a few months,percussion only, and hve good tools, but just can't seem to get em thin enough.Also Itry to find flint in my area Gillespie/Kerr ,do you think it needs heat or no? Anyways I'd like to be half as good as you NICE WORK!
once your kinda thin it gets harder to follow ridgelines so you need go around the preform and lightly chip off the edge 1/16 to 1/8 in or whatever you need to get a strong platform and grind the platform and along the flake you want to remove I come with a fast strike just bearly hitting the platforn dont stop at the peace follow through, I knapp on my leg so I hold the edge about 1/4in off my leg and try to pound the leather strikeng the edge on the way down as far a heat treating goes it depends on the material I cant say much without seeing it Hay rick I have made a few good Clovis points all knapped no fluteing machines but trade them as fast as I can make them the last one was 8 inches long with about 2 inch flutes on each side How about now SH
Good Grief Flo, big is beautiful ! Lookz like a couple of those points are around 5 1/2 inches.
Repo or not that must something to actually hold one.
After having created things so nice, I'm not sure if I could part with them !
Are you going to tell us the 5 1/2 inchers are dug and the rest repo ?
Rick, Until you get to see one of Flo's Clovis works, you are in for a real treat.
In the front lobby of the greatest show on earth [ Temple JN 6 & 7 ] will be 5 or 10 professional
knappers selling / showing their creations.
See Clovis, Flosom, Cumberland and Dovetails like the ancients never saw !
I would like to see it , The thing i have yet to see is the transverse flaking from one side to the other. It almost looks like they were carved out of wood ,their consistent and the diagonal flaking is the opposite direction on the outher side.
thanks Flo-town,maybe that'll help me get em thinner ,I sometimes think I should cook my flint . It looks good but doesnt always flake so good. thanks again for the tip.
i would like to see those,any links? Have you seen any nappers make use petrified wood to make a Clovis? I do have a few palio points made out of petrified wood and it was a pretty common material for a lot of Clovis.