Nice job Trav, and even finding some complete flint too. Is that part of the new flower bed you reported working on a couple of weeks ago ?
Not to take away from your project but rather to add to the flower motif, , , ,
Walking across a field yesterday I spotted a near brillient object on the ground. Up close it turned
out to be a big unique cactus flower.
The cactus itself was miniscul somewhere underneath.
Sorry no flint, not a single find worthy to show . . .
I notice your patio pics were taken in the sunlight, thats kind of a rare comodity up thataway !
Hal- yeah those are flowers I planted several weeks ago. the cactus flowers are sprouting up here too. lots of yellow. the night before i took the photo we got 9/10 of an inch in 45 minutes. no kidding my front lawn was flooded. but the new patio stayed.