Al and I discussed a lot of things Saturday but I didn't know he was a chef. I'll have to get with him on some new road kill recipes. I have a couple of mighty fine ones for possum and coon. Minus the gravel and tar of course.
Good finds, things are picking up.
Al and I discussed a lot of things Saturday but I didn't know he was a chef. I'll have to get with him on some new road kill recipes. I have a couple of mighty fine ones for possum and coon. Minus the gravel and tar of course.
Good finds, things are picking up.
There is a part 2 to this third day with 25 pictures...ALL WITH CAPTIONS.....I just finished and was doing a spelling correction....
Apparently your incomming post did something ......
Lunch time shows.
Patricks frame of combined site finds. Note the square ear, He bought Kevins find. "toothpick' is a Perdiz
Louis' Montell
Terry & Trish worked right through "lunch". Hows this for a dig schedule...
They flew into San Ant. Saturday evening, drove a rent car to meet Nacho Sunday Morn.....Screen....
left the dig at 3:00 PM sharp...drove back to S.A. for a 6:30 PM flight back to AZ.
Out of order pic...thats morning brunch ( on the screen table )
Back to work for all...the goodies at this site can be deep
Now it's Steves' turn for his 9 minutes of stardom..
Fred says " this is a very serious matter "
It's a big Perd..
A thumb skyshot
Nacho peruses Louis' latest find
Not sure what they deceided on...maybe a Frio
Louis also found a grooved hardstone....for lack of a better ID was called a shaft straightener. If SOMEBODY could work that hardstone what a shame they did not make the quantum leap and make us some Grooved AXES
Al has something worth a look....
Still untouched by modern finger...Marshall
An authentic ( no COA ) Anasasi skull
Al's Marshall nicely banded
Arizona Trish saying her goodbyes ( must be very tough to leave a producing digsite early )
Edwards by anonymous
End of dig layout preparations..
The next 4 pics are panoramic,,,overlaping L to R
In the 3 solid days of screening I have had, I have no way of proving I was actually there. I am very pleased with the final class graduation pic where I am FINALLY in a picture
Exceptional pictures Hal. It looks like good times were had by all. Ken and Flicker has some nice birdies and I am sure both are anxious to get back on the screens. Arizona Al needs a bath. That Montell is killer. Good Job. No flint for me till next month.
Flintless Spud, it was a good dig. Looking forward to your upcomming visit....I hope to dig / screen near you at that time...I've missed hearing that constant drone of " WHERE'S THAT BIG BLADE "
Pat E, if thats a solid offer, I might just take you up on submitting an "article ". I'm impressed with how a lowly digger / Chef, like Travis can rise to fame as a cartoonist with publication in your magazine. I'm still looking for my 15 minutes of fame
Buddy, Yeah, dig pics extend the memories of good finds over many years.....Take YOUR case...did you know you are immortalised from a past dig? ( when you were much younger of course )
See frt pg, top left, click "Nacho" icon...scroll all the way down to almost the last event.