Re: Paleo points, bones & other objects of possible interest
The variety of "old" flint is terrific, but so is everything !
Great comparison of Mammoth & Mastadon teeth differences. The "brown" object must be special to rate a picture all by itself... slightly heat charred from an ancient campfire...?
What is it ?
Re: Paleo points, bones & other objects of possible interest
That white pheasant was shot and mounted in England sometime around the turn of the century. The white birds were valued by gamekeepers as marker birds on the big estates to follow the movement of flocks of pheasants. It has always been considered bad form to shoot a white bird and such an act was generally met with a heavy fine and ostracism.
Re: Paleo points, bones & other objects of possible interest
There's so much that might deserve to be singled out for special attendion ...just one more querry from me...
Could that REALLY be a complete real Smiledon skull ?( or just the very expensive / high quality La Brea reproduction ?)
Re: Paleo points, bones & other objects of possible interest
One of my favorite pieces that doesn't show up in the photos is what today would be a Boone & Crockett desert bighorn sheep skull. My Dad found it in association with scallorn points in a dry rock shelter in the Davis Mountains.
Re: Paleo points, bones & other objects of possible interest
More interesting details big animal remains found with Scallorn family implements...couldn't have shot him, must have dropped dead from a heart attack.
Tks for the continuing details.
P,,Your right ... if you could read the stock market like my posts, you'd be rich instead of just a great
flint hunter
Re: Paleo points, bones & other objects of possible interest
I have been retired for fifteen years. I do some napping everyday after lunch. A Scallorn was just a true arrowhead attached to an arrow shaft and propelled with a bow. They were used to hunt deer, bison and other big game including bighorn sheep. I have no idea where the myth originated that they were used to hunt birds.
Re: Paleo points, bones & other objects of possible interest
pat kinyon
show me some o that purde flint YOU found. i need a fix.
P, just posted all the flint a junkie could ever dream of..see " 4 FLO-TOWN "
Red, agreed .. but some of the Scallorns and other "bird" points just seem to have such a delicate comnnection between base and main body to be able to properly penetrate tough hides.
Certainly not implying your facts are wrong, they might have run some big animals over a cliff THEN disected it
Re: Paleo points, bones & other objects of possible interest
This very interesting post shows part of Redman's extensive collection, posted in February 2011
As we see from the front page....Red has passed away. The picture of him with a digging find is a happy memory..
For those interested to refresh their the above "search" block, insert BY USER then REDMAN....There's years of neat and informative post replies by Red... Earliest I see listed on page 4 of the posts is February 2008
Whenever I saw that Redman replied to a post, I would look forward to it..
Re: Paleo points, bones & other objects of possible interest
I too enjoyed reading his posts very much. He always had such a wealth of information and was very knowledgable. I had hoped to meet him one day, but never had the opportunity. Sorry to hear this news. Condolences to his family and friends.
Re: Paleo points, bones & other objects of possible interest
You know we all read so many posts, and those of us that love the hobby, look so foreward to seeing someones new finds posted, and then to see the guys jump in and say, no that is such and such kind of point or blade. it keeps this site interesting.
Each year for the last five years we attend the Digfest. it is actually the only time we have a place to dig! While there I try to find out, ( WHO IS WHO )
I think it would be really cool if everyone that posts here, would be willing to make a post with a pic of who they are ! put a face with the knowledge !
call it
I am so forry for Redmans passing and heart felt best wishes for his family and friends!