Idahoe Bill got us on a private ranch just 10 mi. North of Castroville.
Absolutly amazing, all the plowed farmland in that area was LOADED with flint nodules, from golf ball size to basketball size....A knappers warehouse
Not a single limestone rock, ALL flint
Local residents were friendly
A carved out stock tank provided a cross section of the topsoils....Enough flint nodules to warrent Idahoe
using a few pixels to record them
Way back on the property was a " neat" dump site including these antiquated prehistoric TVs.
Years ago at a flint show, a knapper told me the glass from TV tubes had excellent knapping properties.. I brought home the piece I am holding for you Flo. Its a shade over half inch thick.
I'll probably leave it with Richard Chrisner for your pickup someday
I will see what i can do with it did you get any of that flint im geting low on suplies
I never thought to gather any flint...other than "big", I wouldn't know what is a best for knapping ( how many Kerrville knife nodules can one guy need ? )
L, zero artifacts from this ranch. No good water drainages and minimal limestone for cooking fires.
Nice country, they were here but not concentrated and
leaving their trademarks