hey Michelle,next time your out to chrisners i left a little something for you by the sign in board.
oh and by the way i left spyder with a full belly of sience diet and bologna bits.
Pat, Mlle has been celebrating her birthday all weekend. I dont expect her up to digging at CCC for
at least another 10 days.
I picked up your birthday gift for her and will give it to her first oppurtunity...
I just couldn't resist a sneak peek...Held it up to a strong light...
You are a gifted GENIUS Pat...that birthday drawing of President Grant is really true to life...AND ALL
IN GREEN is inspired..
thanks H. i had a feeling you may be heading that direction due to the timing thing again,i was hoping you would do that for us. thankyou very much. as far as the birthday drawing i did'nt have much to go on except for the green color. the rest i had to wing.