this came out of mclennan county outside of waco. it has really nice paleo flaking, three flutes, and you can tell it was later picked up and resharpened by another indian. you can see resharpening on the tip and the triple flutes and more resharpening on the reverse side
I see you are a McLennan County digger. I will reask a question which I posed a few years ago whether anyone has information on the camp site located west of Bruceville/Eddy on what is now part of the Mackey Ranch. Did a lot of digging there in the 70's. It was large in size with substantial areas yet to be explored.
No expert here but I'd guess anybody with access to the Mackey Ranch would find some fine stuff. Parts of the ranch have been developed for housing and lots of earth has been moved and disturbed.
Well if it's not easily found in any of the reference books, it could not have been made that way in any quantity. Might be just a single but very deliberatly done resharpening. There's one single Hoxie in the money book with a hint of barbs.
The base and overall features are not unusual..
If it was mine, I think I would throw it in the Uvalde bucket