Happy 41 B-Day to meeeeeee ...... !!!!!!!!!!! Port Aransas all weekend!!!
Hellooo all!
Sorry ! I had to goto Port Aransas for the weekend and did some fishing.. WEll, there were high sea's so so much for the "Deep Sea" part of the trip! Hot some good boat sight seeing in though!! was a great weekend!!!
But did do a little bay fishing.. and drinkin at the marina .... Did some eatin and drinking at the bars..... got some new shoes because I left my crocks in the truck ...... There was sand in every crack and crev of everything I brought home...
Can't wait to do it again!!!!!!1
Ok......... Its true ... 41 is here ... What can ya do about it??? Nothing!!!! Party it up till my AARP card gets here!!!!!!!!!
Yall that want to buy be a beer can hit the donation link for $2 ! heheh
Re: Happy 41 B-Day to meeeeeee ...... !!!!!!!!!!! Port Aransas all weekend!!!
No bars SH. I just buy 'em off the locals as they pull into the marina...Ha Ha Ha.
The only thing I get from the bars down there is one heck of a buzz and an empty wallet.lol
Re: Happy 41 B-Day to meeeeeee ...... !!!!!!!!!!! Port Aransas all weekend!!!
Happy birthday and enjoy the beer! $2 on the next round! If you ever want to go bay fishing with a guide I use he has the baddest 550HP Airboat you have ever seen give me shout and I can get you the info, by the way he is one hell of a guide! -Travis