been wanting to get in the saftey deposit box so i could put my best paleo find ever up for everyones enjoyment, but just have'nt been able to get er done. thanks to modern technology and my brother. here it is.
Hal asks the correct question. What is it? It is papered by Dwain Rogers, and Dwain wrote a whole page about the point. It is ground heavily half way up. It shows much use wear as a knife. Now for my personal opinion, I think about what I have read about paleo peoples and their tool stones. Nothing much wasted, start with a quarry blank, whittle it down and use it as a knife, then when the knife is used down enough and thin, trim it into a projectile point. This would take little effort to be finished out as a point. Let's hear it, I. D. time, what is it?
Flo Town you have a very good eye. Dwain even mentioned in his nice letter that many Scottsbluffs have this shape in the beginning, but that the pressure flaking normally seen on Scottsbluffs was not present on this point. Hard to see the detail in the photo. Once again, great eye.
For Hal, good guess as well. Dwain said this was a tough one to call.
keep em guessin brother.
this is another one of those mystery points,so i guess i get to name it. P.P. from PAT'S P.P. that stands for pat's paleo from pat's preposturous point.the points from that site i have be told could'nt have come from the tom green county area because of the high grade flints and craftsmanship,they look more like they came from the camp wood area.but they did come from tom green time im there in angelo i will get some more pics of the stuff we were finding on that site.
i was really expecting moer guesses, from say. idahoe who has an upside down problem and i guess they have a shortage of computers in New Zealand ,TE,L.brad and all on this site. so mystery it is.