It's about time to think about donating a little for the sake of this great site. Michelle does a great job of keeping the site going at no charge to anyone who really cant afford to donate. But for those who can please consider a small donation to keep this great site going. For the price of just one case of beer we can continue to enjoy this site for yet another year. Thanks
I appreciate you and the donation!! Nice to have a great bunch of folks like you helping out..
YES< its all done for free.. Just time and monday spent! heh Worth it to me to pay what is not donated to keep er' a float thats for sure!!! I put the donation link up last 2 years and the site pretty much paid for itself since.. The 8 years before that was pure me and pure LOVE of flint!
STILL love flint!!! And love the help .. Money .. beer.. DOnation.. Digfest prizes..
This is a wonderful bunch of people we have here!!
THanks again to you M and to all that help the site too!!!!!!
Michelle ive got quite a few gc for free food at my place when the diggfest comes. Also feel free to email me when your in austin ive got a bday meal for ya...ep
When I'm in Austin?? heh If the store is where I think it is.. I am only minutes away! heh FOOD I know where it is! heh
I am by Lakeline dear ... I do not live in the boonies with 30 cats and a pig or too! heheh
SPEAKING OF PIG ... I need to hit lunker up for a chunk for the BBQ.. Never cooked a wild anything before other than deer... and that I made into Jerky! WOO HOO! I LOVE SALT !!!!!!!!!
Have a good AM and thanks for thinkin of me! But now ya got me thinkin about food!! Its B-fast time and I gotta get to work ! 8(
I agree with this very worthy caus too and plan to donate somthing to next Digfest prises.
But what about that great guy SH ? about we set up som kind of a gift fund for him. Just some simple token of apresiation for all the free car gas coupons.
You know he's a sneaky one Michelle. I gotta watch him everytime we meet up on a dig. I got some genuine ancient Indian pottery (from the local dollar store) from our last dig. I'm sure he's the sneaky one that planted it on our table. Hal....April 1st is just around the corner and Michelle has some allies coming up with one just for you .
Yep michelle your right down the road from my north store. Though we south austin boys have been known to consider north austin the boonies lol.. Il email you tommorrow about getting a few things out to you. Happy hunting all
You know he's a sneaky one Michelle. I gotta watch him everytime we meet up on a dig. I got some genuine ancient Indian pottery (from the local dollar store) from our last dig. I'm sure he's the sneaky one that planted it on our table. Hal....April 1st is just around the corner and Michelle has some allies coming up with one just for you .
. . . . .BEWARE THE EYES OF APRIL ( nice funerary vase too )