These first couple belong to a friend of my wife. The supposedly came from somewhere between Hondo and Bandera. Not sure what they are. I haven't seen anything like these before.
The little black point is made of glass.
These next three pieces I have had for quite some time and have been in my family for about 20 or 30 years. No idea where they came from.
Not sure if the notch on the side is intentional or not.
Just the very end of the tip is missing on this one.
Any help on any of these pieces is greatly appreciated.
Re friends points, just sticking strictly to facts that can be seen in photos..
The patina shows that both flint pieces were knapped from a weathered piece of surface almost unheard of technique in ancient times ( rarely an old complete point will show a small amount of resharpening after being sun bleached.)
If the glass one was made by the same tribe as the flint ones , some flint show dealer might offer an ID
One of your finds Gee looks very much like a "FRACTURED BASE DARL" I think they are rare finds but they may be under reported and are mistakenly thrown in the broke bucket