Almost too much for individual comment, very nice, all very interesting.
Custom wiggle picks among the big rocks looks good.
Those KKs are certainly top quality and finding them together is a plus, thats going to be a heavy display case
Ancient "critter holes" usually get the blame for all sizes of limestone tubes. They are officially a trace fossil and when found in a camp area usually thought to be brought home as a curiosity.
Thanks sh I wasn't aware those were wiggle picks thought it was a micrometer when I was scanning thru the pics. To the digger what are they made from square tubing and punches?
Cool finds Dusty and Kasey did they get the backhoe fixed or hand dig all that. I would like to come dig with yall some more when I get a chance but the fish have been biteing to good Ill call you in the next few weeks and see if we can go
@ brent, yes the handle is regulare square tubing, the other part is made of leaf spring, or you can use any metal you can find that wont bend under heavy pressure. ( leaf spring is known to work the best)
@ flow, not sure on the backhoe, we have hand dug the past couple of time we have went, kk were all found hand digging.
p.s were are the fish biting :)