Well they have removed the picture of everyone digging at digfest09. I also got a nice email from David Connolly. Lets just say he doesnt like our kind much. Anyway you can see his response on the link up top. I informed him that it was people just like him that keep looters like us from inviting " professionals" onto new sites.
What a pity these people were not more active against land "developers" in Texas over this past 20 yrs.
The out of state carpet baggers are the biggest historical cultural demolition crew since the Spanish developed the new world.
Considering that I have Cherokee blood (maybe a bit diluted, but still) I have no problem going out and discovering the tools that my ancestors made and used.
I rarely post...much less on a blog site like that article link, but heres what I posted on it before they get upset and delete it: Makes me furious reading that nonsense. I check this site everyday and always look forward to seein the points yall post.
I think it’s comical how you text book archaeologists make outrageous claims that the so called “looters” never record/publish data on artifacts found at a site. Every digger I know (including myself) who posts their finds on these web sites can clearly mark depths of points recovered and distinguish layers just as well as any archaeologist can. Most can pinpoint locations of surface finds 20 years after the find. Why is it that every museum I walk into has such a minimal exhibit of artifacts on display, every time I ask a curator or anyone with knowledge of the subject, and every time I get the same answer…..there are countless artifacts locked up behind the scenes that are awaiting cataloging procedures…for years…and most will never be available for the public to see..you idiots are the thieves..with good intentions maybe, and a degree, but still thieves…I’ve forgotten more about finding points or camps than you text book fakes will ever know while you wait for some rancher/developer/land owner to contact you to come take a look at a potential site.
Some more than others are wlling to cast that first stone.I call it holyer than thy syndrone.Some say human nature.I say opinionated juvenile.Unfortunately would fit in well with todays politicians.Thay want to hold all the cards. but i would like to see his artifact collection!
I think they're all jealous...the "educated" archs...
If I had to dig as slow as them and bag every snail I found, coupled with every sliver of secondary flaking I found, while digging with dental picks and toothbrushes, I'd sure as heck be jealous of the "everyday" digger.
I'm sure looking at our pictures and reading the sensible dialog between us makes them absolutely sick.
Typical bureaucratic BS... too much wasted time and over the top paperwork.