Hello, new here...great resource and a wealth of information so thank you! Been sort of looking for arrowheads, etc. since I was in my early 20s...never really found anything though. In fact, aside from one broken base, not even sure if any of these should even be considered anything remotely close. Y'all seem very knowledgeable, would you be so kind to let me know if any of these finds can be considered somewhat of an arrowhead/point/tool or are they just plain 'ol rocks?
Howdy Bones. Good selection of pretty flint.
Every one could be a tool, it's just how much "work"
a human hand may have done on it.
For more finely worked pieces,( like that point base ) if your hunting areas are limited you might try a day at some of the paydigs where ancient campsites are well proven and there is always a better chance of surface finds.
Thats a good choice for the best chance of finding something of real interest....NOT DIGGING !
Digging is fun but can be pretty brutal to get as deep as required. For a first time visit, my advise is to
plan on mostly surface hunting (but throw all the digging tools in the vehicle ) From your local thrift shop pickup two fiber glass shaft golf clubs..
Cut the heads off in such a way as to leave a small hook.
Thats a professional surfacers " flint flicker "
Fresh batteries for the camera, plenty of Tx hill country wildlife of interest...I've never seen any
there that rattle or hisss but they must be there...lookout for other biters...( fire ants are silent )