Here are a few from a weekend of hard digging in Burnet County. Two completes per day isn't bad, but you always hope for a little more.
Not sure about the blade, I'm thinking maybe a Friday blade. Any info is appreciated. From 11-5.
Not sure about the point next to the Montell. The base almost looks like an Andice with the ears worked off. I can always hope! Too bad I wiggled my pick right through the edge. Thankfully it only did some small damage. The Montell was a lucky surface find. From 11-6.
Nice finds there. I'd call that one a Friday. Don't know about the wannabe Andice though, the base looks tapered and not straight like the Andice that I've seen or found.
I've found a few points like the bottom right up in panhandle, never clearly ID' em tho..pretty close to the carrolton type, other than the expanding base, maybe smaller point styled after a cody complex type..not sure, great montell tho.....
Thats a lot of good points, Too bad, now you'll need another (bigger) display frame....Santa Clause is comming to town !
I'll stick with what I'm best at...the 'nots' IDs...
It's definitely NOT a Friday & NOT an Andice.
BUT...better put ALL ID's on complete hold...
I have a very reliable 'friend' at the printing factory
where the new STONE ARTIFACTS OF TEXAS edition is being printed ( he spreads the ink on the rollers.)
He says that with some other additions and some subtractions THE FRIDAY BLADE NO LONGER EXISTS
A long time ago an old hard rock archaeologist dismissed my Friday blades as just being preforms and I think he was probably right. I think there are probably way too many point types. Theres a whole bunch of types from the same time period, found scattered all over Texas that could be lumped together under one heading.............maybe call 'em Texas Crude .
Friday blades as just being preforms .............maybe call 'em Texas Crude .
Gonna be a bit slow teaching really old dogs new tricks..
I've got a few, now extinct, Friday Blades forms that are so finely crafted on every part of the flint, I cant imagine being a preform for whatever was yet to be shaped.
Thanks for all the replies and info Teh, CGB, Hal & Redman.
Hal, you are definitely right about my display frame. I have that sucker packed full right now and I am definitely going to have to upgrade. I'm interested to see what all has changed in the new book coming out. Any idea when it will be available for purchase?
Redman, you seem to be a vast vault of knowledge. I hope that maybe one day I can have an opportunity to meet you and pick your brain a little.