Frensied shoppers looking for goodies ( There are 3 in this area, look hard ! )
A happy shopper
Snoops' specialty is insitu shopping
Starr Ranch raindear were curious about the festivities
Little closer of the 'gifts' under the 'tree'
To heck with the acorns...Scrat Hals (SH) love MARTINDALES...
I was so distracted by the raindear getting close I did not get a single pic of all the gifts, including some choc chip cookies..This view has a bag of gifts already bagged.
This dear probably thought this was one of Eric's special holiday ginger snap cookies !
Sometimes you can never find a good diggers dog for scale when you need one ..
Looks like Santa was good to yall. I really like that re-worked point at the end. I guess Mr. Claus was putting flint under the *****ly pair tree while the reindeer were grazing...