Anyone have any recomendations on a museum that would take a early man artifact collection? The owner wants to donate his collection to a museum after passes away. He prefers a museum in the Dallas or Houston area. Thanks in advance for the help!
I can't speak from experience, but I hear donating to musuems is a waste of time. I've heard the stories of collections donated, and never being displayed, either tucked away or given away to museum employees. If you find a small town museum, that might be their best option, for unless it's truly museum quality, I doubt it'd ever see the light of day in a large museum. I hope this helps.
I once took some finds to a small local museum in the St. Louis area where I live to try and get some things identified. The semi-retired archeologist that worked there was kind enough to help me and then took the time to show me all kinds of stuff they had in their office...amazing finds that would blow your mind!
Most of the stuff had been in possession of the museum for 20+ years and was donated by locals. It hadn't seen the light of day since it was donated and probably never will. It just sits in cabinets and drawers in a basement office.
It was neat to see this stuff, but sad that such amazing finds are just sitting in a drawer in some guys office. I think they might be weary of displaying things found by amateur collectors like most of us because they would literally be just taking your word on where you found it...whereas a "professional" or university dig is more "credible" if that makes sense.
Here in Lee County, A man donated most of his lifes collection to the Giddings library. They have it all in beautiful display cabinets. For all to see and enjoy anytime there open.
Although I agree that most museums, miss use such donations. There are some small ones that would love to have and display them. the Barrow Foundation Museum, Eola, Texas would be one that I would consider. They have a large collection of points on display, and are a privatly owned operation. JMO
Maybe a small town museum but the government will not get not a flake from me. Watch your collection because the government is looking for a way to take(steal) it away from you. The government does not like collectors. They will put it in a basement anyway but that makes them happy because they have control of the collection. John