Most archaic camps were located close to springs and smaller creeks and not as many are directly on major rivers? If this is true, would the paleo camps be located in the same areas? I understand there are not as many paleo camps as archaic, and it seems a camp which was used from early archaic to the woodland period would be a good candidate for a site for the paleo people as well.
Everything I read states they were wandering hunters and did not camp at one location for very long periods, so if this is true would they have used these archaic sites only for short periods of time and not left much evidence or signs that they were there? Could this explain the occasional find of a earlier piece? So are the fluted ones scattered in small amounts all over the country?? !!
some of the bigest best oldest mounds i have seen are on hill miles from river. but when camp was in use the river was very close camp in the wrong place you can drown in the dark flash floods kill and wash camps and hills away creeks travle far less but river bottems were the roads and HEB but camp to close wrong time of year lose everything.if you can find a camp on old man river there is a very good chance you will find the old stuf but you allmost need tractor to stay that deep fore the most part thay travled betwen sumer and wenter camps drout and numbers dictated how much moveing but a good river camp life could be ez stay long time but they more then likey had to fight to keep such places it was dog eat dog my
I think first indens in texas had it hard and huged rivers and costelplains my bad just thinking out loud
My input would be, for central Tx, seems the intersection of a small creek with a larger one was a
favorite location ( but not right at waterline due those flash floods. )
Paleo people had not yet invented the fire rock midden and so did not need reasonably flat ground, cliff overhangs were the determining factor rather than proximity to water ( within reason)
Dont know what prompts this line of thinking Sandy, all you need at your dig sites is a beach ball & sand bucket