This year's Digfest will be at Chrisners (C3) on Saturday & Sunday - September 29 & 30th..
This is the first target date, the maximum value will be placed on the long range Weather forecast.....
IF rain systems seem likely, the event WILL be moved to the next weekend ( into October. )
Anyone can make their own assessment by going to MOODY TX......then 10 day forecast. I would think a very definite go or no go could be made 5 days in advance.
There will be 3 dig locations for this year;
Pothole camp, Fulton Hollow and a newly found deep ( secret )site.
The idea is to remove years of shallow digging around the old proven camps. This will accommodate "diggers" of all experience...Dig newly exposed areas, rake through removed dirt, surface hunters dream
This past Wednesday I found Richard in his office working on Fulton Hollow.
The 3 sites will be yellow taped off to keep me and the other regulars out until Digfest.
Arrive anytime Saturday ( and camp ) $20....Digfest Sunday $40. sign in at the garage before dawn..
Big change this year because there are 3 sites....Digging in the 3 special areas can start at dawn SATURDAY,,,if you find a favorite spot, leave a marker ....
( " this seat occupied " )for the next morning.
For new people....a huge amount of small details about digfest can be found by looking up past digfest
correspondence using the SEARCH block above... and / or on the front page, on icons..
We have always had a high dollar amount of drawing gifts...all contributions of a prize by anyone is greatly appreciated...prefer dig, flint and outdoorsy related items..
Email Michelle your item ( with picture if possible )then bring it along to be on the table before the drawing.
Sign up ( mainly number of people in your party )is always requested so the catering staff has some idea how many cows to kill..
You can make a posting right here, below OR even better Email Mlle ( Badger ) at: MICHELLE@AUSTINDIGGERS.COM
Camping area ( still OK to camp where you like ) Water hose at ranch house. Portapotties near ranch barn.
Big central campfire depends on wet / dry conditions. Most campers use small gas stoves for cooking ( Except Gilbert who has all electric appliances )
The "christmas tree " mast still stands. Richard usually mows the area just days before the weekend.
Re: DIGFEST 2012 - SEPT 29-30, 2012 ****** X ******
can i help with anything? i brought tables last year might could supply some minor side dishes. pork n beans,salad,chips n dip, wine? lol
Good offer, we definitely need tables ( many ). I am putting my small one in
the back of the garage today..
Better talk directly to Chef Richard about food.. My thought would be for no "haught cusine" dishes...we're feeding over 100 hot, dirty and voracious
diggers that just want to scarff down some energy and get back to work
Update at 9-10-12
All the effort is being put on Fulton Hollow. There will probably be a quarter mile long clean scraped area. Old timers wont recognize it! This view is looking up the road to the house on the R and up FH on the L
Further up in the cut...tempting to think those heavenly rays are pointing to what's at the end of a rainbow
Richard recouperating from knee surgery !
Barefoot Bill now has a new BIG toy ..
the deep hole will be left to just before the DF weekend
This and FH are now designated OFF LIMITS to all til DF. ( No surfacers Pls ! )
Camping area has been mowed...5'8" person for scale
The new banner is up..
I suspect even the dogs remember whats going to happen....More rib bone leftover than they see all the rest of the year
The "roughing out " at Fulton Hollow is as complete as it need be for now.
This view is looking back from where the top pic was taken.
Just the last 2 days before the DF wkend a deep trench will be run right down the middle. Sort of like uncovering the very bottom of a V shaped gold pan
Now that Barefoot Bill knows how to operate the HUGE backhoe...He has gone BURSERK
This is the creekbank along Bill's camp. Pulled a big area into the dry creek bed. The cameraman is standing right over where 2 yrs ago Ben found the Cache of blade in that wall. This is also open to Digfesters.
The creekbeds are dead dry even though they just had 4 inches of rain the day before.
Only 11 days remaining, at least no major tropical storms are on the WX maps..
Here's a bit of guidance for some digfest people that may not be professional grizzled sunburned hardcore lifelong diggers.
The dirt being removed from 2 large treches and set off to the side is PRIME territory for artifacts as some of it comes from the very deepest part of the trenches. It's already loosened and at ground level.
Just raking seriously raking through is all thats needed. Best tool is the long handled "potato rake " that Home D & Lowes sell..Long strong tines.
Garden rake is better than nothing.
Same rake as above cut off 18inches long is great for closer working but, the long tines should be cut off a bit shorter for better one handed operation.
A medium sized flat blade screw driver ..bent to a " hook "
SURFACERS...A " walking stick " has always been a hikers standard...a good one is a Golf club with the head cut off ( Thrift store $3. )
For those with access to a hand grinder or cut off wheel, leave a bit of the club head with a small barb on it it's a"flint flicker"
Here's a pic of the above described tools
This is a really terrific tool that rivals ( or equals ) the $90. wiggle picks... It's a common 8" flat blade screw driver ( Harbor freight $1.89 )
bent so the flat side is as shown ...Then, every effort should be made to sharpen to a point.. With a LOT of work a hand file will work OR...atop by any auto repair shop ( they are Bound to have a bench grinder )...takes aproximatly one minute to do a good job.
The ribbon on the example shown is just to make it easier to locate when set aside while using another tool.
And here's some comments for the sunburned grizzled "old timers" :
The good level in the early Archaic trench is 7 feet down. Very hard compacted dirt. You probably haven't sharpened your tools since Nixon was would be well advised to get every help possible by resharpening...
A lot of people still use the original " swing picks"...I'm always amazed at the ones I have seen being used...DULL beyond belief...Put a point on it, you wont damage artifacts any more than a blunt tip does.
In the Fullton Hollow trench diggers remember getting the dirt out of the way is always a consideration, shovels not tarps !
The soils in Fulton hollow ( even deep ) are not excessively hard.
Saturday diggers:( the two official digfest only sites are closed til Sunday morning )( including surfacers ).
There is plenty of new trenched / scraped areas at the ever productive Bill's Camp and the hillside adjacent to last year's "Big hole " location.
Maybe even MORE possibilities as Barefoot Bill has been on a rampage since he learned how to operate the new huge backhoe.
Looks like the creeks will be bone dry, probably no boots or bathtub duckies will be needed.
No telling at this date if a burn ban will be in force that weekend ( for camp fire )
At this writing, rain forecasts are minimal, just a nice cool cloud cover...a big turnout is expected, LOTS OF VEHICLES. PARK SMART !...
Leave room for in & out traffic. Fulton hollow has plenty of space but some people may have to park 300 feet from the dig rather than the 100 feet of the first arrivers.
Lunch at the ranch house ( announced by a bull horn off the Queen Mary )
Please leave PLENTY of room around the central area. Good deal is to "nose in " park where possible, leaves access for tailgate sitting with the food and more vehicles can scrunch in.
Expanded parking usually fills the main road in...if convienient, diagonal park with the front wheels in the grass would be good.
Dirt roads are as good as any dirt road could be...Corvette drivers will be OK, Creek crossings may be a bit of loose rocky but very dry.
Closest convienience store is about 20 minutes drive away...( one way )..for things like ice.
Good cell phone reception with ATT...others ?
Sunday lunch break is the usual time for show & tell's. ( bring frames & fossils )...
If your selling, bring a table and set it up right in the main area..