I've been picking up round rocks in indian camps for sixty years. Here are some possibilities for uses of such. Three of them strung together produces a bolo, two of them incorporated into an oak handle makes a handy head-knocker and a small one mounted on a handle makes a effective drum stick. Anthropologists agree that man's first musical instrument was probably of a percussion type and may have been anything from banging two rocks together to beating on a hollow log with a club. There is no way to know if Clovis man made and used drums but if he did I kind of like to believe that it may have looked like this.
Good thinking Red, Like "drills"..."game ball" definition doesn't necessarily mean they were used for one purpose, like exclusively for a game.
I like the drum & head thumper concept. As good a weapon as the Bolo is thats my last choice for most parts of TX. Restrictive vegetation ( tall brush )would severely limit it's use.