Still waiting for Idaho's pic's. I didn't get too many, too busy slinging dirt.
Idaho found the Marshall drill, Jason's notched blade-not quite a corner tang but working on it. I found the other Marshall. Hit the Perd camp hard. The finds are ours. Didn't get Idaho's or Jason's. Lots of Perds in the area we were digging. Jason did find two good drills, Idaho got a Golondrina. That's Flicker's Kerrville.
Real nice finds! The KK is a beauty and the one in the second pic is some of that awesome, the base width compared to the width of the point is crazy! Good to see you back eating some Texas Dust.
I vote flicker get the , thats a classic KK design.
Perd family indeed. Looks like top row # 5 & 8 are Gowers. Since Gowers are said to be the precursers of "Perds" that puts the family tree very far back at that particular locality.
Golderina is good.
What kind of project would require such a design on the basetang "drill" ??