As long as hard as that place has been dug, it's surprising how much it still has to offer. A lot of virgin, undug camp. Those are some good finds. Wish we were closer, sure miss those long, hot, and dusty days with good finds to make it more bearable.
Nice finds. It has been a couple yrs since I was last at the Vanderpool site and found lots of nice points. There have been some screamers come out of there. I am surprised it is still going, might have to venture back down this fall.
Why would I post that?? It basically was a shorter post/reply that explained the same reasons for "WHY" "BRIO"..... Would never pay to either dig or screen just my opinion.
We've dug there since 2009, many trips there and never had a bad one. There's always something being found. Melvin found a double based Perd and a Hell's Gap on our very first trip. Pretty much the gamut of time periods and no shortage of surprises.
Sorry for not picking up on your translation that "Vanderfool" = fool for paying to dig... So crystal clear, not sure how I missed it the first time.
Some people are not so fortunate to have a place that they can dig for free. Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black for you thinking otherwise.
Again, nice dig Snoop. I am gonna try to venture down to "Vanderfool" myself in a couple months if the dig is still going. Always enjoy digging with TJ and Cyrus.
Thanks brio the irony is that a good friend of mine invited me to join him for the day. While he was kind enough to pay for my outing it seems I'm a fool .