There's a small bird camp near the back spring. It's been chopped up good but there is some nice dirt left. I have found seven drill in this camp it's awesome.
Snoop! Nice find man, where in the heck is this camp???? I have looked several times for it but cant seem to locate. Greg says theres some good stuff coming from there but haven't been able to figure out where it is.
Hey oak thanks for the view. If you take the first left of the ranch and stay left to pass the barn follow that road a mile or two past the barn. You will come to an area where there is quarry on the other side of the fence with rocks piled high. Staton the road till you come to a drop you would want to take without a four wheel drive stop there and hike down. Theresa spring on your right the diggs on the left. Like many spots people have dugg deep enough even though it's online a feet to bedrock. He'll I found a great perd on the new perd camp in four inches of dirt someone was too lazy to go to the bottom. The camp is so shallow I can't see why someone would do that. I was guilty when I first started digging just on account of ignorance.
Thanks Snoop!! Yeah I have been to that area before but didnt see any digging actiivty, I'm headed out there on Monday see if I can locate this spot... keep you posted.