That is a very neat cross section of life in East Tx...All petrified & Jasper ( I presume Jasper, maybe Agate ? )..they certainly "shopped locally " !
Not to be offensive to the Finder, ( Or the original owners. . .)Most petrified wood points are usually a bit "choppy" as the grain doesn't let a flake line follow through, excepting perhaps Palm wood....
But what about the lack of fine delicate work on the Jasper ?
Does Jasper not Knapp well?
I dug three test holes, in all I dug for 8 hrs, over 3 cold and wet days. I'm trying to figure out how the camp is layed out. I found all petrified wood tools in one spot, moved about 100' and found points, then moved about 25' and found lots of cobbles and just one point.We have done some surface hunting and have found stuff scattered over 10 acres.