I never was real stingy, so since we have a surplus of nice cold weather here in Cut Bank, Montana,(20 below zero), I figured I might share some of it with my old Texas friends. The only benefit of me sending it south to you guys is that it'll sure knock those bugs back a bunch come summertime. Y'all can thank me later.
I think I found the top to your drill out there a week ago
That would be a neat matchup..Longshot but each broken artifact found must have had the other piece go somewhere..
How about putting your tip in your vehicle glove box and I'll do the same with the base in my vehicle....If we happen to meet up in the next 3 years we'll have a look.
Howcum your digging the top of the hill? I thought I had that all to myself since everybody knows it's dugout tee hee
-27 this morning at 7:00 am. Forecast predictions are a warming trend. Lows tomorrow are heating up to - 5. Short sleeve shirt weather. The gate is frozen open but it's starting to thaw. Should have it shut early next week.