I am looking for someone familiar with arrowheads from Texas. I have one that was found in Camp County in western Texas. I think it is a beautiful material. I can share pictures of it if someone is interested in helping me. I would really appreciate it! You can email me at martinb0693@students.forsythtech.edu and I should get back to as soon as possible.
If I could figure how to post a pic I would show yall. I'm more familiar with NC materials. This TX point I have is probably one of the finest quality arrowheads in my collection. I was told it looked like a Travis by a friend of mine but he didn't know the material either. It is a reddish semi-translucent material. I would classify more likely to be a flint but I'm not ruling out jasper or petrified wood either. I have a nice Caddo novaculite point from Arkansas too. I would love to share this arrowhead with yall if I knew how to post a pic.
Ancient, all I can do is bring up to the top of the mssg bd the only instructions regarding Photobucket.
If you dont get it, we regret not seeing your find,,,AND the others we have lost out on in the last 30 days. !
Fact is,,,the world has changed and some older websites remain antiquated. It's an industry fact that "digital camera " makers are concerned with their radically falling dominence / sales....Most Cell phones have BETTER camera features than regular cameras Plus with the touch of one button, the picture and text can go out to 400 of their nearest and dearest of friends...No up loading, photobucketing, down loading !
The majority of picture takers now dont even up load their pics to a PC and are not likely to do so,,,,all functions are in the phone.
If one of your friends suggests that your find is a Travis, that tells us the base is rather square...other points from your area with somewhat square bases might be Carrolton or Wells...
Yea it is stemmed and it looks like it should have barbs too, but I'm not sure. I checked out the points you just said in the online OverstreetID. From the pictures it looks like a Carrolton and then it described that a Wells can have barbs. However, mine is 2" long and is slightly twisted; it does not lay completely flat on a surface. The tip is really sharp and the material may have been possibly heat-treated or a fire-popped material. It has more of a translucence towards the tip. I really appreciate your responses. I'm not gonna be able to figure out the pictures so that is the best description I can provide. My phone is a simple LG Envy Touch 3 with a really good camera. I'm not smart enough to switch to smart like most people. Dang, my lil brother's phone has a pair of rangefinders and navigation. That's what everyone needs now days. Think of the archaic people and what all work had to be done to survive. Some of us got it made and don't even know it!
ancient: the only materials i can think of in found in camp co [far NE Texas]
that are semi-translucent are petrified wood agate [often glass like
and without the look of wood] or perhaps heat treated novaculite
[found in many colors including red].