Erik, I am the owner here at Starr. I don't hover and pester the diggers, I figure its your business what you find, but Hal just posted pics of a few points that one of my regulars sent me. I have several diggers on monthly plan and they are out frequently. There are two bird camps that are producing well, and there is still a lot of virgin ground yet to be worked around the main camp.
I do have a few deer hunters and managing space and insuring everyone is safe is a big deal to me. Just a couple weeks left and there will be no issues there.
I will be open all week should you be interested.
It's always got good dirt. New camps all the time and old ones that still hold lots of treasure. If you just need a good day of silence away from your normal day to day bs, this is the place. Craig is way to kind to let us enjoy his little piece of heaven. I was speaking with a friend recently and I compared it to Ccc. The abundence of camps that are proven to range from 10k to 400 years old is a darn special place and that's before the has opened his gates. I hope people can grasp what we have at our disposal. If you like old metal relics the top camp has neat old tools. Some dated to cival war times. Thanks Craig I hold you and your home in high regard. Bless you and I hope you have an incredible year.