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question website

what I would like to know is I may need to uninstall Windows98 what will happen to my website? Will I lose my website in the process, or will it still be there when windows 98 is re installed.

Re: question website

If you are talking about a website that IS a website, that is on the web, smashing your computer with a sledgehammer won't make any difference. If you are talking about a website in making that is located on your computer, take a backup just in case.

Re: Re: question website

what is website url this is driving me crazy

Browser: blacklove992002,4

Re: question website

As someone else said, if the code is already out on the sever, cleaning off the computer won't hurt it. However, unless you backup what ever code, pictures, etc. that you have on hour local drive,you will lose that. A question (or comment) I'd pose is why reload 98? I'd strongly suggest going to Windows 200o at a minimum and XP if possible. You'll have a much more stable machine with either, especially XP.

Browser: deleted

OS: deleted