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How do I UN-publish?

I have an opposite problem from everyone else.

I've been building my website ( using the template and doing Visual and Text Edit. I just realized that my site is visible online, and it's not anywhere close to being finished. Looks horrible!

I re-directed to Bravenet for now, but now I can't edit. How can I continue working on it without it being visible online to the public?


Browser: Safari

Re: How do I UN-publish?

Are you using Explorer? Log on, and click the websites tab. You will see icons for different things you can do with your website, under the headings:

The interesting part (for you) is Status. If you hold your cursor over the symbol, in Explorer you will see the alt attribute of the image: Delete.

Which will probably scare you away from any experiments. But if you do the same in Firefox, you will see the title attribute of the link: Disable website. Which is what it does.

You can click both the Status and the Delete symbols. Even Delete doesn't do you any harm unless you click yes when asked if you are really serious.

Re: How do I UN-publish?

OK, you made the choice to edit your pages on-line and now are upset because the editor is working as it should.

1. Download a free offline editor such as NVU
2. Download a free FTP package such as Filezilla
3. Create an FTP account in Bravenet
4. Configure Filezilla - the necessary parameters will be displayed in your Bravenet account.
5. Create a new folder on your PC
6. Use Filezilla to download all the files on your website to the new folder
7. Delete the files from your website using Filezilla
8. Use NVU to edit the files on your PC. You can still use your browser to view the pages on your PC
9. When happy upload the whole lot to your hosting using Filezilla

Browser: Firefox3.0.5


Re: How do I UN-publish?

There are two schools of thought about how questions should be answered:
1)Answer the question as asked.
2)Tell people what they need to know.
Though my original answer was of the former kind, in principle I agree with Peter. You will be better off doing things that way for more reasons than I have time to list right now.