PlanWare - On-line Survey Number 2

Please only answer questions if you have had direct experience of compiling a business plan. Your replies are absolutely confidential.

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Are you or have you ever been directly involved in writing a business plan?
Yes - a comprehensive plan
Yes - a fairly basic plan
No - don't answer further questions. Scroll down to see results

What was the primary purpose of the plan?
For personal/internal use
Raise bank loans
Raise venture capital/equity
Assess viability of business
Secure approvals from shareholders/directors

How many pages long was the main part of your plan? (Ignore appendices, attachment etc.)
Under 10
Over 50

How much time elapsed between starting to research the plan and its completion?
Less than a month
2-3 months
3-6 months
Over 6 months

To what extent were external advisers/consultants used to help prepare the plan?
Major inputs
Limited inputs
No involvement

How many drafts of the plan were prepared?
Just one
5 or more

Which part of the plan was the most difficult to research/write?
Market analysis
Sales plan & forecasts
Financial projections
Investment proposals
All parts equally difficult
No part was particularly difficult

Did you spend more time researching for the plan than writing the plan itself?
Much more time researching
Slightly more time researching
Researching and writing about the same
Less time researching than writing
No research required before writing

Was preparation of the plan more or less difficult/lengthy than you had anticipated?
Much more difficult
Somewhat more difficult
In line with expectations
Somewhat easier
Much easier

Overall, how important/useful was the plan in terms of developing the business?
Critically important
Limited importance
No importance

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