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Pool Repair in 2012? Anyone know when?

Does anyone know when Casa Ybel will be doing the pool repairs? I hear they might close the pool for up to two weeks to do tile and other work.


Re: Pool Repair in 2012? Anyone know when?

Pool repairs are strictly in the jurisdiction of Casa Ybel Hospitality. You shoud address JR or Amy with that question.

Lynn Perkins

Re: Pool Repair in 2012? Anyone know when?

In the latest issue of the newsletter it says that further information on dates for the work will be available in March 2012.

Re: Pool Repair in 2012? Anyone know when?

I called the office today for a more definite answer on the time line. I was told that they did not have that information. I did see it in the newsletter but it was something I put aside to check on later. I find it absurd that they really don't know when the pool will be shut down. It is a major budget item for 2012, and they must have the bids and schedule by now. It is a big draw for families and certainly would be a nasty surprise to find out it is not available after plane tickets and plans are in place. Any idea how we can get the information SOON?

Re: Pool Repair in 2012? Anyone know when?

I am sure everyone would like to know when it will be closed for repair.
Seems a bit strange,not very good planning, that this was not done when they renovated all the interlock around the pool a few years ago.
That would have eliminated the need for another close down of the pool in 2012,and ruining the vacations of whatever 2 unlucky owners weeks they choose.
I understand they need to fix things but surely we could know at least six months before it happens,so owners can make alternative vacation arrangements.
Not many owners want to spend their two weeks without the use of the pool.

Re: Pool Repair in 2012? Anyone know when?

I agree, do they just think they are going to wake up one morning and just decide to fix the pool?

I am surprised they don't already have a time period set aside for this.

Re: Pool Repair in 2012? Anyone know when?

I am sure they know. However, I'm sure management doesn't want to lose out on all the $$ that is generated by us owners between the pool bar, the thistle lodge, etc. Let us not forget this is a corporation and they are concerned with the bottom line. PERIOD!

Does anyone know if they are for SURE going to do the repairs in 2012?? If so, then they will be done during maintenance weeks.

For sure, you are ALL correct in thinking and saying . . . they KNOW - they just will not say. It's a $$ thing.

Re: Pool Repair in 2012? Anyone know when?

I did call the office, but got nowhere today. A rather rude response,from the person at desk explaining to me how the permit they applied for was turned down and so they are applying for a new one. That is why they don't know when it will be done. I told them management must have an idea. She told me to call back on Monday. I am not about to make plans without knowing...8 airplane tickets from Washington DC . RIDICULOUS!

Re: Pool Repair in 2012? Anyone know when?

It seems we have this scare each year. What is the repair about, any word on what the problem is?
I have had a question raised in this Forum several times about the contribution from F,G,H,I,J and K owners. The cost per unit used to be listed in our annual budget, but the fog has rolled in and we can no longer see a breakdown of our Million Dollar Maintenance fee.
Any chance our boards could be preparing next years budget earlier this year to get time for a more transparent budget?. At least we can then talk about the importance of what is happening to us. How much is the Thistle Lodge and the One bedroom units in A to E unit owners contributing.
Could we construct a second pool in front of H and I,J,K, a second pool under our own control like other resorts have done having as a back-up pool for use during our (seems to be) annual pool repairs?. I feel the pool costs are eating us up, could it be the reason for not showing actual cost to us? I have experienced weddings at Thistle Lodge that blocked the pool off from our use. I have the feeling we are paying more than the $50 that Sundial charges owners per unit in rental when not used by the owners. I think our fee was around 10% of our maintenance fee. More than our property taxes. Someone please dig into the budget for answers.


Re: Pool Repair in 2012? Anyone know when?

The only issue regarding pool repairs, for me, is that the bottom lane stripes are no longer there, complicating lap swimming. This repair, I suspect, is a big deal requiring much downtime. As much as I would like the stripes, it might not be worth the trouble, unless it could be piggybacked with other major repairs. It is not an annual issue.

I would definitely be against an additional pool, especially one destroying the views and route to the beach that we H,I,J,K denizens currently enjoy. I, and my kids and grandkids, use the pool fairly often, but only in short (<30 min.) bursts; we use the beach far more often, and it is the main attraction for us. The issue is moot, though, since there is not enough real estate available in these areas to support any kind of functional pool. There could be room in front of A – F buildings, but, again, I would hate to see a pool go in there.

A wedding or reception that “blocks the pool off from our use” is unacceptable. I have never experienced this in my many years, but if it has occurred, we need to do something to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Re: Pool Repair in 2012? Anyone know when?

Is there an info on the date of the repair yet? Thanks!

Re: Pool Repair in 2012? Anyone know when?

We received info that the repair starts app. Sept 10th and will last 2 weeks. This info was in the annual meeting email. We are VERY upset as we own the 2 weeks the pool will be closed.